
These responses ranged from government agents contacting EDT 1.0 while we were at the “Info Wars” new media art gathering at Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria, warning us not to carry out one of our gestures ––the “SWARM” gesture –– because they knew where our families were; to the Department of Defense launching the first known “information war weapon” on our server ( in New York City; to the FBI accusing us of cyberterrorism when we shut down the World Economic Forum in New York City right after 9/11; to the NSA inviting us to come meet and do a performance for them in 1999.

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Carroll, Rory. “US Border Patrol uses desert as ‘weapon’ to kill thousands of migrants, report says.” Guardian. December 7, 2016. Accessed online December 30, 2016.

Cárdenas, Micha. “The Transborder Immigrant Tool: Science of the Oppressed.” YouTube video. 23:31. Posted by AntiAtlas of borders. May 7, 2014.

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Rivera-Servera, Ramón H., and Young, Harvey. "Introduction: Border Moves." In Performance in the Borderlands.  Edited by Ramón Rivera-Servera and Harvey Young, 1 - 16. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Raley, Rita. Tactical Media. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.

Ono, Kent A. “Borders That Travel: Matters of a Figural Border.” In Border Rhetorics: Citizenship and Identity on the US-Mexico Frontier, edited by D. Robert DeChaine. 19 - 32. Tuscaloosa, The University of Alabama Press, 2012.

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